martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Sobre la Deducción Natural

1934 es una de las fechas más importantes de la lógica, en ese año se publican dos artículos que a la larga serám relevamtes para los métodos de prueba de la lógica clásica.
Gentzen y Jarowski publican un mètodo de prueba llamado deducción natural. La idea détras d edichop método es representar de manera gráfica los procesos inferenciales que realizamos los seres humanos.

One meaning of `natural deduction’ focuses on the notion that systems employing
it will retain the `natural form’ of ®rst-order logic and will not restrict itself to any
subset of the connectives nor any normal form representation. Although this is clearly
a feature of the modern textbooks, we can easily see that such a de®nition is neither
necessary nor su cient for a logical system’s being a natural deduction system. For,
surely we can give natural deduction accounts for logics that have restricted sets of
connectives, so it is not necessary. And we can have non-natural deduction systems
(e.g. axiomatic systems) that contain all the usual connectives, so it is not sufficient.(Pelletier, Francis Jeffry, “A brief history of deduction natural”)
